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Get certified to ISO and UKAS standards 

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Winning new business is increasingly reliant on the tender process and confidence in supplier performance. If your business is certified to ISO and UKAS standards, you will win more business!

Being compliant provides your customers with the confidence and assurance that you have excellent processes in place, are environmentally friendly and adhere to health and safety requirements.

What standards can we help you with?

We can help you with all the standards below. Click on a link to go to their own specific page, however, we offer the option to work with you on multiple standards. An integrated management system will save you time and money.

How do we help?

  • A free consultation starts the process. This can be an informal Teams or mobile call where we understand what it is you do, how you operate and what ISO standards you require.

  • Once engaged, we will conduct a gap analysis that will allow us to see how compliant you are.

  • The output of the gap analysis will be a detailed report, which will set out what is needed to get a fully working and compliant ISO Management System.

  • A proposal will be created which will detail all the work required. We will detail estimates for our time to assist with each element. It is at your discretion to choose which elements you require assistance with.

  • Once a schedule of works has been agreed, we will agree timescales.

  • The work is carried out as per the schedule until the Management System is complete.

  • Stage one (external paperwork audit) and Stage two (external full audit) are scheduled with our support if required.

  • Certification is achieved!


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Can I adhere to one standard only?

Yes, the amount of standards you adhere to is the choice of the business. It is normally recommended that the quality standard (9001) is the first standard that businesses obtain. However, there is no reason why your business cannot just obtain AI or environmental, for example. It is worth discussing with us so we can provide guidance to meet your needs.

How can I set up an integrated management system?

Regardless of whether you have an existing management system or not, an integrated management system can be created. If you have a system already, then we can work on adding the other standard(s) that you require. If you do not have a system, we will conduct a gap analysis and understand what is and isn’t in place. We will then provide you with a detailed plan of what is required. We can then offer as much assistance as you require.

Can Anacruses help after we obtain certification?

Yes. We are happy to offer the support that fits the business. If you only require support to the point of certification that is not a problem at all. However, if you require ongoing support, please let us know and we can make arrangements. This may be a specific piece of work to improve the management system, the conducting of internal audits or support with analysis or the management review. We are here to support you in any way you require so please let us know and we will make arrangements that fit your business.

Do we need to conduct internal audits, or can Anacruses help?

Internal audits are an integral part of the management system as it provides assurance that every element is working as required. If there are non-conformances this provides the business with opportunities to improve their processes and make the system even more robust. With over 20 years of auditing experience, Anacruses are more than happy to manage your internal audit programme for you. This will add a layer of independence and we can work out a schedule that fits around your business.

Can Anacruses provide a retained service?

Yes. This option is very much open to discussion. We can agree a rolling monthly, quarterly or yearly retainer with yourselves, with services that fit with your requirements. This can range from internal audits, support with external surveillance and recertification visits, questions and queries or process reviews.

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