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The Quality ISO 9001 standard is held by thousands of companies worldwide and is used to assist with winning new business and retaining existing by showcasing your businesses processes and prowess in your sector. 


As part of a supply chain, holding ISO certification answers so many questions. It demonstrates that your business has strong leadership, understands risk, is competent, has sound procedures and looks to improve.


Importantly, it drives sales. Customers want to buy from organisations they can trust.


Our process for getting you ready to comply is detailed here​.


To begin the journey towards certification, and win more business, please click the button                                       or email us at



Do we have to get this standard first or can we integrate multiple standards immediately?

There is no hard and fast rule on this. If you feel that obtaining one standard first is the best route, then that would work. However, it is worth noting that if you wished to add Environmental and Health & Safety, it would be worth looking at the workload because obtaining the three standards would reduce the overall workload. This would be because several clauses are similar and information could be collated once rather than heading back and doing it again.

Previous versions of the ISO 9001 standard weren't very risk focused. Why the change?

Risk based thinking was not specifically referenced in earlier versions of the standards, whereas this standard has introduced it as it is believed that it is essential for an effective management system. The specific section of the standard that references risk (clause 6.1) requires the business to identify risks and opportunities, then detail how they are managed.

I was previously a MSR (Management System Representative) but this version doesn't reference that role. Why?

The 2015 version of the standard is more focused on 'Top Management', so the role of MSR has been removed. This does not mean that an individual is not given responsibility for the looking after the ISO management system, rather Top Management are brought into external audits to explain how the business is performing and show leadership. A dedicated individual can still be appointed as the person who looks after the ISO management system and reports to Top Management.

Why will having a Quality Management System increase sales and retain existing customers?

Trust is a huge factor within business. If you buy a product or service and you know that it is produced and or delivered with the highest quality, you will go back and repeat purchase. If you are purchasing a widget and it is an integral part of your product, you will want to ensure that it is of the highest quality. If it is not, your product will fail. If the widget supplier has certifications then you know that an independent body has reviewed their processes and approved them and the business. It provides trust without you having to audit them yourselves or wait for something to go wrong.

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